
The festive season is around the corner, meaning more time for family and vacations. 

Unfortunately, traveling can end up becoming stressful and lose the appeal if there are safety concerns

Nothing interrupts the fun faster than feeling insecure.

Things like abrupt weather changes will always be out of your control. But the last thing you want is to be a victim of pickpocketing or mugging.

Regardless of your traveling style or destination, being safe should be your priority. 

So, before handing over the office-leave request or packing your bags, here are six essential travel safety tips:

1. Information is Safety

Make an effort to learn the economic, political, and social situations in your preferred destination. You don’t want to be caught up in something you’d not planned for.

There isn’t much to it either. Just look up the safest spots for travelers, areas to avoid, and accommodation, and so on. You’ll have a rough idea of what to expect.

Still, it would be best if you remained alert to avoid any surprises. 

Back in your hotel, make conversations with friendly people about the area. Ask the staff questions. You never know what you might learn from a brief banter. 

2. Try Not to Stand Out

Granted, most travelers stand out, especially if you’re visiting new places where people do things differently or look different.

However, most places also expect these differences because, well, the world is super interconnected now. Take advantage of this fact and try not to stand out too much.

You don’t want to walk around with a huge backpack if you’re going too far from where you’re staying. Only carry what you need for the day’s adventure.

Most of the time, looking lost won’t do you much good either. While many will come to your aid, wandering about can make you an easy target for shady characters. 

If you’re lost, which happens a lot when you’re visiting unfamiliar places, find a public place and call for directions or get a taxi.

Also, flashy clothes and jewelry may not be a good idea when visiting unfamiliar places. Large cities are mostly fine, but some neighborhoods can be risky if you openly have valuables on you.

3. Stay Healthy

Visiting new destinations comes with a health risk, which may end up ruining your entire experience if you’re cautious. 

Always know the specific health hazards you face and prepare ways to safeguard yourself.

If you’re traveling to a place where finding clean water is difficult, make arrangements beforehand. Stay at a hotel that guarantees clean, fresh water at all times.

Remember, there are always health risks wherever you go. So, preparation is really the key here. Bring medications as you never know if you’ll find the ones you need at your destination.

Products like sunscreens and insect repellents tend to come in handy if you expect to spend time outdoors and sleep in the open. 

4. Keep Your Documents Safe

Always keep your most valuable items in your hotel room and use them when necessary. 

Depending on the local laws, you may need certain documents with you. Keep those as secure as possible.

We recommend a money belt when traveling with your documents. They’re a lot harder to snatch or pick compared to purses. 

Making at least two copies of your passport is an excellent safety measure, especially if you’re traveling internationally. 

These documents will ensure you receive help at the US embassy in case you lose your original passport. 

5. Travel With Someone

Traveling with someone is a lot safer than traveling on your own. However, you don’t need to leave home with somebody in tow if it’s not in your plans. You can always meet other travelers along the way who would be happy to team up for different legs of the journey.

Before setting out, make sure you tell a trusted source where you are going and the activities you are likely to engage in. It may seem like a small thing, but it can be lifesaving.

Visiting high-risk areas can be a safety hazard. Certain states like California have high burglary rates and crimes targeting high-profile individuals. If you’re a public figure, you should probably consider armed security services.

6. Know The Emergency Number

Knowing the emergency number for your destination is crucial.

Being from the United States, it is easy to assume that in case of any emergency, you call 911.

What if you’re in a country that doesn’t use 911 for emergencies?

Many countries have different emergency contacts from what you’re used to. Learning these numbers is important. 


Traveling is one of the best life adventures. We want nothing but good and memorable experiences. But like many things in life, traveling comes with its risks. 

However, staying informed and aware at all times should help keep you safe during your travels.

With these tips, you can plan your trips and take the necessary precautions to avoid mishaps.  

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