
Unfortunately, no matter how many vitamins you take or immune boosters you drink or how many extra hours you sleep, there's often no avoiding getting sick when you've been exposed to germs. Dealing with a stuffy nose and cough is one thing when you're able to lay around in your bed all day. However, when you're on the road for business or pleasure, it can be even worse. Consider a few of the following things you can do to alleviate your suffering while away from home.

Call Your Primary Care Doctor at Home

Because your doctor at home knows you best, he or she might be willing to write you a prescription even though they didn't see you in person. They'll also be able to determine whether your symptoms are for a new illness or related to a preexisting condition. all your doctor for help if you're experiencing a fever of over 102 degrees, having flu-like symptoms in a malaria-stricken area, have blood in your stool, or get bit by some animal.

Visit an Inexpensive Clinic

It's often best to go to a doctor at the first sign of flu symptoms, as getting proper medication early in the progression of the sickness can help lessen its effects. If you do need to see a local doctor, find one who is affordable, takes your insurance, and speaks your language if you're abroad. One way to do this is to look up nearby doctors online. For serious situations, the Department of State can help you locate the medical care you need.

Take Breaks When You Need Them

While you might be tempted to press forward on your trip like nothing has happened, that will only make your sickness worse. If you feel like you have to lay down and take a five-hour nap, then you should listen to your body. This will help you get better faster so you can get back on the road.

Eat Gentle Food and Stay Hydrated

In cases of food poisoning or other stomach issues, it's especially important to make sure that you're eating well and drinking enough. Foods in the BRAT spectrum include bananas, rice, apples, and toast. These are the foods that are gentlest on your stomach and might help to soothe your nausea or vomiting. Additionally, make sure you're ingesting plenty of water to make up for what you're losing in diarrhea.

Invest in Travel Protection Services

Because you never know when a sickness will strike on the road, you should always have the proper protection at the ready. Choosing a travel protection service like MedjetAssist gives you peace of mind wherever you are in the world. By becoming a member, you'll have comprehensive health protection across the globe. If you are unlucky enough to fall seriously ill, MedjetAssist can even arrange your transportation from the remote hospital to one much closer to home.

By following these tips, you'll be able to salvage as much as your trip as possible if you get sick. While you'll still have to suffer a bit, the experience will be much better when you know the right way to handle the situation.

Image via Flickr by jpalinsad360


He's an avid gadget geek and spends most of his time reading or writing.

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He's an avid gadget geek and spends most of his time reading or writing.

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