
Thanks to the Internet and a plethora of web-friendly devices, working from home is becoming a reality for many self-sufficient professionals. A well-organized home office is obviously vital to pulling it off.

Unfortunately, very few of us have the luxury of transforming the entire left-wing of a multi-story mansion into our comfy headquarters. These 5 tips will explain how to carve out a functional workstation when space is at a premium.

1. Downsize Your Furniture

The big cozy desk and equally large chair may look nice, but can you really afford the space they threaten to eat up? If you’re reading this, the answer is probably no. Keep the size of your office furniture to a minimum, and you'll be rewarded with room to accommodate items that might not fit otherwise.

2. Corner-ize Your Home Base

For most homebodies, the desk is the largest piece of furniture in the office. If the same is true for your situation, one of the best things you can do clear out some space in the corner of the room. You probably won't be tearing down walls or repositioning any alarm systems, but arranging your desk in a corner will free up real estate for other equipment and build a foundation for organization.

3. Maximize Wall Space

Your desk is in that one free corner, and everything — from that old dresser you refuse to throw out to the wobbly end table that supports your printer — is hogging floor space. So where do you go from here? To the walls, of course. The walls can come in handy for housing items such as your collection of software programs, books, and other business utensils. A shelf here, a shelf there, and you will instantly create space that can be used to store many of the items that are essential to your workstation.

4. Branch Out

While it would be ideal to have all the components of your workstation gathered together in one room, nothing says you can’t expand. It's your show, right? With a little creativity, other areas of the house can effectively serve as extensions of your office. For example, if your printer is just too restricting in the backroom you’ve claimed as your office, you can situate it in the dining area or another nearby room. And if you happen to have a wireless device, you can continue to do all your printing right from the desk.

5. Stay Organized

When you’re short on space to begin with, it's even more important your work space organized . Messes tend to pile up quickly in small enclosures, and you could have a clustered situation on your hands before you know it. In order to optimize your available space, make sure your floor space, desktop and office drawers stay as organized as possible.

Making the most of that tiny office space doesn’t call for you to move any mountains. Give these simple tips a shot, and you’ll be knocking out daily tasks while enjoying the utmost comfort.

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5 Home Office Solutions When You're Short on Space 5

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